Thursday, June 5, 2008

I don't know where the time goes

Good God, it's Thursday already, and we're into June. No wonder I feel "old" some days. Time is flying!

Dave and I are empty-nesters with PJ off in Florida with her friends Sarah and Jackie. I hope she's mending her shoulder (in addition to enjoying the sun, sand, dancing, cocktails, and all the other things that Florida offers my Pretty Girl). We miss her.

I heard from my cousin Peter. He is in Chiang-Mai, Thailand, leading a group of students from the University of Hartford (where he is a professor) on a 3-week study adventure. Can't wait to see his photos and hear the details.

My mother moves north for the summer to farm in Nobleboro this weekend. Another thing to look forward to, making the 157 mile drive and turning onto Morang Cove Road for the first time this season. It takes my breath away every "first" time.

OK, off to work.
{end of post}

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