Sunday, March 2, 2008

W-A-Y too much snow in Sanford, Maine

Went to Maine to see my mother and sister today, and holy crap, have they got snow. Check out his picture of PJ on the snow bank at the end of my mother's street.

Yea, it's as high at the stop sign and street sign. Wicked, huh? Try peeking around that to check oncoming traffic.

And here's the view heading to my mother's front door.

And here's me and my mum, with the snow bank higher than we are tall!


Tanya said...

Damn that's a LOT of snow! OK, I won't complain no more!

Love that pic of PJ! the pic of you and your Mum!

Jan G said...

Your Mom will be lucky to see the front lawn by May!
I'll never complain again.......