Sunday, July 13, 2008

Breakfast with the Sistas

Had breakfast this morning (a three-hour affair) with Tanya and Debbie, my Breast Cancer Sistas. It's a once-every-couple-of-months event that always feels good, from the anticipation of spending time with two wonderful people to actually being together.

Time seems to stand still when we sit down over two coffees, one tea, scrambled eggs, a cheese omelet, and a pair over easy with pancakes (I think we each order the same thing every time!)

It's so easy to talk and share what's in my heart and head to these two remarkable women. They've been where I've been--shared the wonders, the what-if worries, been afraid and brave, intimidated and confident, and most of all, been good friends through a process that at times seemed impossible to comprehend.

Through every conversation they offered me nothing but encouragement and support. They always validate my concerns, never make my fears seem trivial, and I hope that I've always given them the same care and respect.

They are important people in my support network, but I want them for more than their support. I want them in my life for the friendship they give so willingly. When I am with them--even though we share a common bond that each of us would gladly do without--the bond seems distant and unimportant. It's not what defines us. It's just the chance that brought us together.

I wish I had a photo of the three of us to share. Next time, for sure, we'll have that usually grumpy waitress snap a picture.

{end of post}

1 comment:

Tanya said...

Ya know, I thought about getting a picture of the 3 of us yesterday, too!
Seems out grumpy waitress changed her tune a tad, since we told her we loved that she was wearing her Mel's Bracelet and that all 3 of us were survivors. But she probably hates us for taking her table away for 3 hours, too! ACK!
I love that we're such great friends, even if the worst brought us together!