Tuesday, February 12, 2008

An exciting milestone

Today is the day I get to set aside my "Tom's of Maine Unscented, All-Natural" deodorant stick and embrace my dear friend, "Degree Shower Clean Anti-Perspirant and Deodorant" (invisible solid and body responsive, no less!). Yea, I'm back to applying chemicals to my body.

That's applying chemicals both inside and out. Today is also the day I start taking the drug therapy Aromasin.

Funny thing is, that for as much as a whined and crabbed about it, the "Tom's" served me well (at least no one gave me negative feedback). Maybe I'll stick with Tom.

As to the drugs, I may wait a day or two. I've got the nasty-ass flu bug that's been driving through my office. Don't let me kiss you.

1 comment:

Jan G said...

Sorry to hear about the flu, but you are not alone. Most flu shots have worn off by now.
I'm glad you have a "pitt preference" now. It must be liberating to be able to have a choice for a change...
Be well, much love,