Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The first day of the rest of my life

That's what today felt like, a fresh new day. We say things like this all the time, whether we talk about a blank slate, a new beginning, a new chapter, a fresh start--I've done it myself countless times. But this was really the first time it more than "sounded" true, it "felt" true.

I don't want to be overly dramatic, and I hate throwing down the "I had cancer" card (it seems like I'm taking a cheap shot). But something happened over night. I feel transformed and somehow new. It's hard to explain. I'm sure there are some of you out there who understand what I mean and know the feeling. It feels really good.

So, there are new things to think about. Politics, perhaps? Massachusetts' presidential primary is Tuesday (part of the "Super Tuesday" vote). It will be a long night, to be sure.

My mother lives in Maine and they'll hold the Republican caucus votes on Saturday. Here's an interesting twist--it doesn't matter who she votes vote, or the final outcome of each local caucus vote. The real reason for the caucuses seems to be to elect delegates to the state convention (to be held in May). At the convention, delegates can vote however they want to---they do NOT have to vote according to the results of the caucus. My mother's vote on Saturday doesn't count.

For example, if the local caucus supports John McCain, the delegate is free to go to the convention and vote for Mitt Romney. Can someone make this make sense?

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