Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Heading home today

Sadly, and yet with great anticipation, we head home today. Sad because we leave such a beautiful place where we have had amazing adventures and the pleasure to meet wonderful people we will be honored to call new friends. With great anticiaption because we miss our families and friends.

We will come back, we absolutely promise. And if our new friends venture to the east, we promise to show them the same kindnesses and hospitality, hopefully with the same grace and style.

Auf Wiedersehen!

Note: for some reason I'm not seeing the entire blog format load over here in Switzerland. There should be additional photos and and links load down both sides of the individual posts, along with a counter and a clock (Dave loaded a clock showing the local [Swiss] time so he woudl always know the time at which I am operating). I'm sorry it's not showing here!

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