Sunday, September 30, 2007

Hair this morning, gone this afternoon

Wait ‘til you see my new ‘do! PJ supervised my haircut today, it’s not quite what my mother would call a “pixie” cut, but it’s short and I like it for what it is—a transition cut before it’s all gone (as I continue to assume will happen).

We noticed that there’s no gray in it at all, and this is the first time in years I don’t see any gray in my hair. I thought maybe I’d had a miracle, then Dave reminded me that the chemo is killing living cells. I colored it about a week before my first chemo treatment, so maybe there wasn’t time for it to start to grow in gray.

So, duh, Penny—that’s why there’s no gray.

Sorry I have no photo evidence for you just yet. PJ took pics but I need Dave to size them and he worked a killer long day, so maybe tomorrow.

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