Wednesday, April 9, 2008

A great day!

Saw my surgeon today. Hard to believe I'm eight months post-surgery (of course in that time came the other aspects of treatment: chemo, radiation, and a whole lot of recovering).

I told him a feel terrific, and I really do. He did an exam and pronounced me in great shape for this point in treatment. I'm booked for a mammogram on July 9 and will see him immediately afterwards for a review of the films.

The July date is a year following an MRI that was done in 2007 between my two surgeries. The mammogram that detected the cancer was done in April '07, and I assumed I was coming up on over-due to have on this year.

But the doc assures me that the July MRI '07 date is the date we should work from, so I'll be patient until July 9.

Dave and I also had a long conversation with my doc's nurse. She confirmed our thoughts that I should be free and clear from cancer concerns for at least five years. That's based on the effects of chemo and radiation, plus the drug I'm taking (Aromasin).

Of course there are no guarantees. Even mammo films and MRIs can fail to reveal something important. But I'm not taking my head in that direction.

I'm celebrating with my new favorite beverage, Allagash White. Cheers!

1 comment:

Gawain said...

I'll toast a glass of Bordeaux tonight in your honor, Penny!