Saturday, April 5, 2008

31 Days

Last night Dave asked me if I was counting down the days until I leave for Switzerland. I said I wasn't; it seems too far away. This morning I took the calendar off the side of the refrigerator and counted. 31 days. I can't wait!

It's a rainy, dreary Saturday, a perfect day to do yard work. The whiskey barrel planter we put in some 20 years ago finally collapsed under the weight of all the snow we had this winter--hence today's scheduled adventure to Lowes Garden Center, to replace the planter and see what else they have that we can't live without. The rain should quit in a couple of hours and leave a good opportunity to rake out the gardens and plant some bulbs. The crocuses are already up (searching for sunshine, poor things), and the day lily and hosta shoots have pushed through the soil. A kind person would get the dead leaves out of their way so they can blossom and bloom in style.

That is today's mission. Tomorrow I'm driving to Sanford. My Swiss traveling companion and I have to read the travel guide and map out our plan of tourist-attack on the host nation.

1 comment:

Tanya said...

How was Sanford this weekend? Are they slowly melting?
What a gloomy weekend we had here and now it's Monday - BOO HISS. I just keep telling myself that in 5 days, I'm on vacation for 10 days.