Friday, March 20, 2009

Good news, good news, bad news

Good news #1: Saw my radiologist today and I've graduated to the "You Don't Have To Come Back For 12 Months" plan. And my blood pressure was 110 over 60.

Good news #2: It's the first day of spring and the first batch of crocuses have come up in the garden. Time to get out there with the rake and clean the beds of dead leaves.

Bad news: Guess whose car failed Massachusetts inspection? Hello Nassar Ford and new tie rods (whatever those are...) I won't have a car tomorrow, so I'll be raking...

1 comment:

Tanya said...

A tie rod is part of the steering mechanism on your car :)
My van (at work) failed inspection due to our parking brake being loose...$3,600 later...
Pretty crocuses!!