Friday, October 31, 2008

The real fright this Halloween

Cancer is knocking in threes today.

I'm putting out a call for prayers, for Gail (not the Gail of "Chuck and Gail" fame, another Gail). She is recovering from recent surgery for a brain tumor and starting the long journey of exploration and decision about how to move forward with her treatment. Please find a little place in your heart and carry her there.

I'll head back an oncology center week from today when I accompany my friend Susan for her chemotherapy session. She's having a damn nasty time with her treatment for her second round with the devil. I offered to go an hold her good hand during a treatment and she opted for next Friday. I told her that if she's very good I'll take her roller skating when her treatment is done. Hey, you have to go forward with a little levity and a smile. If you don't all you can do is weep and that gets real old real fast.

It's Halloween, my late father's favorite holiday (I swear). He found such joy answering the door and chattering with all of the bell ringers. He feigned fright at the monsters and melted a little for the princesses. He had fun with the night, and I try to do the same. If not for his damned cancer, he'd be around tonight to revel in the excitement. This is one of those days when I miss him most, even after all these years.

So, for Gail and Susan and Bruce... Let's beat the bastard.

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