Sunday, October 5, 2008

I did it!

I turned 55 yesterday and celebrated by getting a tattoo. I've wanted one for years, been talking about it for ages, and serious about it for a couple of months. It's a cartoon-style drawing of the namesake of my late father's weekly newspaper column, Bennett Noble. If you knew my dad you know that writing was his passion, whether he was taking shots at local politics, debating the silliness of life, or making profound statements of his affection for his family and friends.

His 1970s-80s-90s columning was today's blogging and believe me, if her were around today he'd be having a blogger's field day.

So anyway, here it is. Me and Ben. A touch of pink in his flower and we have the "Think Pink for October" thing covered.

Want some ink of your own? Check out Masterpiece Tattoo in Salem NH. Ask for Matt Isaacs

{end of post}


Wayne and Carol said...

OMG!!!! You really did it. And belated Happy 55th Birthday to you.

Hope you and Ben, and we'll squeeze Dave in there too, enjoy the rest of your life together. May it be a long and prosperous one.

See you in a couple weeks?!?

Your Maine friends, Carol & Co.

Jan G said...

Happy B'Day and kudos to Ben. I remember some of YOUR columns at the paper in which you wrote about your dad.
Everythings always comes full circle.
Dirty martinis and tattoos...what's next?
I cabn't wait.
Love, Jan