Monday, August 4, 2008

Do you believe?

What's up with the power of positive thinking? Does it help to pray when you need guidance to find your way, or relief to help shoulder a heavy load?

Who knows. I've gone back and forth for many years. Some days I'm with the plan, other days I feel like I have to go it by myself. My bottom line is that it begins with me and it travels through me, and I'm the one that will make it happen or not. "It" is whatever it is at the moment. It's all a little sketchy, and I'm sure this is all about as clear as mud.

I was talking with a friend a little earlier this evening and as she always does, she asked how I'm doing. I'm aces, I told her, life is pretty good.

It's been quite a year. I told her about the buckets of prayers people said for me, about the trees that gave their lives for the cards and notes I received. I told her that if I learned one thing in the last year, it's that the power of positive thinking, the power of prayer, the assistance and support of friends and coworkers, and—most importantly and without question—the love and encouragement of my family carried me through some pretty dark times.

So, do I believe? I do believe I do.

And now, if you can share some love and hope, please put Anita and Nancy on your Thoughtful List. I do believe it will help them on their respective travels.

{end of post}

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