Sunday, August 30, 2009

Change is good

Good morning!

I'm changing things up here on the blog. I'm starting a new writing adventure and turning this site into what it was always meant to be--a chronicle of my breast cancer journey.

Every day I take another step away from the label of "patient" and it feels so good to be walking in that direction.

But at the same time, I'm finding new challenges that keep me inside the cancer circle. I'm becoming a resource for patients and families who crave information and guidance. It's flattering to be thought of this way, and I'm making other life changes that will allow me to be the resource I couldn't find when I started my own difficult journey.

So... look for musing and information you need in a new place, at Over the next few weeks I will pick through this blog and delete posts that aren't related to the cancer journey. I'll pick up some of the best stuff I have here and transfer it over to the new place.

I hope you'll bookmark me twice. I've loved every minute of what this has been to this point. The cancer journey is ready to be published as a book. All I need to do it hit "go" and I'll be a published author.

Maybe taking this step will be the incentive I need to make that dream a reality.

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